Carlson BRx7 SIM Setup

Activate SIM

Use your phone camera to scan the QR code on your SIM card holder or click Here to enter your ICCID and make sure your SIM card has been activated. The ICCID is printed on the SIM card holder QR label and on the SIM itself. If it is not activated, buy a data plan subscription and associate it with the SIM.
Install SIM
Open the battery cover, SIM card bay cover and SIM socket locking door as shown below to install the SIM card. The tricky part is that the SIM card door has a lock.

As shown in the video, slide the door up about 2 mm to unlock it and swing the door up. Place the SIM card with the cut corner in the away from the hinge. Close and slide the door down 2 mm to lock it in place.
Configure APN
Choose one of the following methods to configure the BRx7 with the APN server name and confirm connection to the internet.